Bolivian Political Crisis Subdued

Arce Regains Control

International Community Expresses Relief

La Paz, Bolivia - After a brief but tense standoff, the Bolivian armed forces have withdrawn from the presidential palace and a general arrested following an apparent coup attempt. President Luis Arce has regained control of the government.

The crisis began on Wednesday evening when armed forces surrounded the presidential palace and detained several government officials. President Arce and Vice President David Choquehuanca were briefly taken into custody but later released.

The international community swiftly condemned the coup attempt, with the United States, the United Nations, and the Organization of American States all calling for a restoration of constitutional order. The European Union also expressed concern and urged the Bolivian government to respect the rule of law.

In a televised address to the nation, President Arce called for unity and reconciliation. He said that the government would investigate the coup attempt and bring those responsible to justice.

The situation in Bolivia remains fluid, but the international community is relieved that a full-blown coup has been averted. President Arce's quick and decisive action has been praised, and it is hoped that the country can now move forward from this crisis.